As much as I don't think people deserve a pat on the back for acting like human beings, occasionally doing the right thing requires a bigger set of balls than others, so I do want to point out how impressed I am with former NFL great Steve Young and his wife, Barbara, for coming out against Prop 8. As many of you know, the Mormon church -- most famous for, um, redefining the definition of marriage -- has greatly funded this hateful initiative that will be voted on today in California, but even though Young is the great-great-great-grandson of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for whom Brigham Young University is named, he and Barbara have publicly expressed that they
cannot go along with this act of bigotry. On Friday, there were three Halloween-themed signs in the Youngs' yard in Northern California that urged people to reject the gay marriage ban. And in an e-mailed statement to the gay rights group Equality California, Barbara Young wrote: "We believe all families matter, and we do not believe in discrimination, therefore, our family will vote against Prop. 8." Now that what I call a touchdown pass.
As if I didn't already love Steve Young enough!
Is there a way to get in touch with them? That took a big set of cajones and I'd like to thank them.
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