Monday, January 06, 2025

Robert X. Planet, Killer Pussy Keyboardist and Former New Times Writer, Dead at 74

Some sad news for my fellow Phoenicians and/or followers of obscure new wave bands.

Singer Lucy LaMode of Killer Pussy fame just posted on Facebook that Robert X. Planet (nĂ© Severance), her friend and onetime bandmate who was also a noted Phoenix New Times writer, has died. He was 74 and no cause of death was provided. 

The two met when LaMode was just a teenager -- and began writing songs together after bonding over their shared love of Edith Massey.

Lucy writes:
I'm writing this with the brokenness of hearts. Actually if I'm honest with myself it’s shattered to pieces. My best friend for a lifetime (forty-six years) passed away unexpectedly in his sleep yesterday. Robert X Planet (Severance) [was the] Killer Pussy keyboard player and composer of "Teenage Enema Nurses in Bondage" along with many other KP songs. 

Robert was one of the most talented humans. He was unconventional a free spirit and creative like a mad scientist. If you were lucky enough to be in his orbit, it was a guarantee of laughter and shenanigans always at the most inappropriate times. I have so many wonderful memories that I will hold so tightly that any moment I might burst into laughter or burst into crying. 
R.I.P My beloved beautiful friend.

My brother Bill purchased the legendary EP at Roads to Moscow in 1982!

Although Killer Pussy never grew larger than cult favorites, I can remember how proud I was to have "my" local new wave band make inroads, seeing the poster for their notorious "Teenage Nurses in Bondage" on the wall of the radio station at Weemawee High School where Marshall Blechtman and Johnny "Slash" Ulasewicz spun records on TV's "Square Pegs" -- alongside posters of Kim Wilde, the Human League, Oingo Boingo, Soft Cell and Laurie Anderson -- and being name-checked in Bret Easton Ellis's "Less Than Zero." (Dennis Hopper even did a painting of Lucy!) 

The "Square" censors made sure the word "pussy" was never seen in its entirety.

Dial-a-teen (or two)

"Does Jesus believe in hamburgers"?

Killer Pussy then made an appearance on USA Network's "New Wave Theatre" -- performing "Pocket Pool" -- as their music started to gain traction on Phoenix's version of "Rodney on the KROQ" -- KSTM/The Storm -- and on KROQ itself. 

In 1983 a full-length album, "Bikini Wax," was released featuring "Dildo Desire," "Herpes," "Pepperoni Ice Cream" and the single "Moist Towelette," which was a hilarious parody of Grace Jones's "Warm Leatherette," itself a Normal cover. 

On a more solemn note, I can also remember getting queasy reading in the New Times -- Phoenix's answer to the Village Voice -- that drummer John E. Precious died in the 1980s of "hepatitis," which made me think of Ricky Wilson's untimely departure. (My HIV theory was bolstered when I later learned that Precious was a heroin addict.)  

Over the years I have heard Killer Pussy described as being a satirical or parody of a punk band -- and perhaps that's what they were going for. (Indeed Lucy -- who despite the lewd song lyrics was a virgin during the height of the band's popularity who didn't drink or do drugs -- was credited on the EP with lead vocals and "lingerie" while other band members were credited with playing their instruments as well as "quips," "bench press" and "macho ambiance.") 

But to this 14-year-old suburbanite with New York City dreams, they struck me more as the B-52's of the Southwest -- with a splash of Blondie’s debut -- who were somehow cool enough to be embraced by the in-crowd on the coasts, which gave my new-wave-geek self a glimmer of hope even if my own attempt at a band wasn't likely to follow suit.

Rest in peace, Robert. And thanks for the smiles. xo

Here's his bio from the band's website: 

Robert was born in Alliance, Ohio, but has lived in Arizona since the age of two. He was inspired to play the accordion at the age of seven after watching "The Lawrence Welk Show."

Robert composed the music for “Teenage Enema Nurses in Bondage” for Killer Pussy in 1981 and joined the band soon after. His other contributions include that song’s lyrics (with Lucy, and Rick Hendel); music and lyrics for “Bikini Wax” and “Moist Towelette”; and the third verse of lyrics for the Gary Russell song “Pocket Pool.”

Best known locally as the former drama critic and Thrills editor emeritus at Phoenix New Times, he has always been very active in community theatre, and is an award-winning set and costume designer, actor and director.

Currently, Robert serves on the boards of directors of iTheatre Collaborative, and of Alwun House Foundation. In 2012, he spearheaded the Alwun House Centennial Renovation Project, which undertook the refurbishment of that historic arts organization’s then 100-year-old territorial-style structure.

As founding director of the reader’s theatre ensemble Planet Poe, Robert has been adapting and performing the works of Edgar Allan Poe in various public venues since 2000.

He presently lives in Scottsdale, and works with Lucy to preserve and promote Killer Pussy’s music for the ages. 

Robert says the band took its name from a cat belonging to local punk diva Les a Go Go -- of the Phoenix band called The Roll-Ons -- but admits that "no one" believed them.

To learn more about Killer Pussy, click HERE.

How you like to see your childhood heroes turn out


Frank said...

Wonderful tribute Kenneth.

Great to hear of the connection to the Alwun “all-one” House - formative in my final almost-ready pre-out days. A place simultaneously warm and cool. The koi in the backyard pond would swim into your hands.

TRW said...

I remember his byline being in New Times. Can't remember if I knew he was in the band then. RIP.

retropian said...

Sad News. I saw them in the mid-1980's at Trax a long defunct gay Leather and Levi bar in Phoenix. Dildo Desire I remember best as someone in a giant Dildo costume was dancing around during it. Always enjoyed Killer Pussy. One of the few things of the 1980's I'm nostalgic for.

helen13 said...

Oh man, I’m gonna miss you, Robert. I knew Robert through my store Retail SLUT. On Melrose in Hollywood. Killer pussy stuff was very popular. I went on to become a member of his Burning Man camp. The Elvis Presley wedding chapel. Thanks for the crazy times. Rave Forever!! And I was gonna call you this week)

helen13 said...

I'll miss our Annual Naked Bike Ride Burning Man and good times at Shangri La Nudist Ranch..

helen13 said...

Oh Kenneth thanks for a Great Article