Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Forever Young?
How depressing, how utterly unjust, to be the one in your social circle who is aging least gracefully: In a laboratory at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center, Matthias is learning about time’s caprice the hard way. At 28, getting on for a rhesus monkey, Matthias is losing his hair, lugging a paunch and getting a face full of wrinkles. Yet in the cage next to his, gleefully hooting at strangers, one of Matthias’s lab mates, Rudy, is the picture of monkey vitality, although he is slightly older. Thin and feisty, Rudy stops grooming his smooth coat just long enough to pirouette toward a proffered piece of fruit. Tempted with the same treat, Matthias rises wearily and extends a frail hand. “You can really see the difference,” said Dr. Ricki Colman, an associate scientist at the center who cares for the animals.
Eric Dane and John Stamos: 'Wedding Wars'

Page 1 Consider (10/31)

Stonewall Tactics?

"Grey's Anatomy" is on ABC, part of the Disney/Touchstone empire. Obviously the big shots over there don't want anything to jeopardize their No. 1 show , but I can't help but wonder if they actually have the power to keep the press from telling all or if people -- gays included -- really just don't care. Sadly, my guess is it's the latter.

Sporting Goods: Sean Considine

John Wilson Remembered

Niece & Nephew

Monday, October 30, 2006
Adam Vinatieri: He's Got Legs

Previously: Sporting Wood: Adam Vinatieri
Page 1 Consider (10/30)

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Amy Sedaris: Hostess With the Mostess
Did you catch Amy Sedaris' totally awkward appearance on Martha Stewart this week? Martha went from being the funnest person cracking up at everything Amy said one second to wondering if Amy was completely mocking her the next -- and back every five seconds. It was classic television.
Amy was there to promote her new book, "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence."
Village Voice interviewed her recently about the book. This is an answer I hope Madonna reads:
Q: On the back you've dedicated the book "from one artist to another."
A: That's a joke. I think it's funny when people refer to themselves as an artist -- I'll tell you if you're an artist or not. I think entertaining is very artistic and creative and giving. I don't think you have to be naturally artistic to do it, even if you are just catering an event. You need to be good at telling people what you want. You have to be a good Mr. Slate, a good foreman.
Check out the rest of Amy's funny Q&A with the Village Voice here.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Alex's Run for a Reason (This Sunday!)
Just a reminder about something I wrote about a few weeks ago. There's still time to participate and/or donate to this worthy cause. Thanks! kw

Here are the details:
Sunday, Oct. 29, at Newbridge Road Park -- Bellmore, N.Y.
Registration will begin at 8:30
2 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk will begin at 10 a.m.
Children's Activities: Will take place in the playground area of the park and will include, games, music, face painting, children'’s entertainers and so much more.
Refreshments: Light breakfast will be provided to all registered participants.
Raffle: A variety of prizes will be raffled off. Raffle tickets can be purchased the day of the event between 8:30 and 11 a.m.
For complete information about the event click here.
You can register online here.
For information about SUDC, click here.
For information about SIDS, click here.
Even if you can't attend, you can make a tax-deductible contribution online here. (It's the perfect time to make that end-of-the-year donation before tax time.)
Proper research is the only way to ensure that there aren't future tragic deaths like those of little Kevin and little Alex.
Morning Glory: Taylor Kitsch

Page 1 Consider (10/27)
Photo Flashback: 1975

Here's a photo of me, my little sister, Jennifer, and our cousin Sara Elizabeth Kearney. We were in D.C. for my mom's cousin Susan's wedding around Christmas time that year, and here we are on the staircase of my Aunt Dianne's townhouse in Herndon, Va. This was the last time we ever saw Sara. Her dad (my Uncle Patrick) was (bitterly) divorced from Sara's mom shortly thereafter, and everyone lost touch with that part of the family. If by some strange chance you see this, Sara, or your brother (Sean) sees it, I'd love to hear from either of you.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Morning Glory: Alessandro Calza

Page 1 Consider (10/26)

TGI Friday Night Lights
A couple of people have written to find out why I hadn't followed up on my purported interest in Kyle Chandler's new high school football drama, "Friday Night Lights." A few things conspired to keep me from watching it the past few weeks, but as of last night I'm all caught up on the four episodes that have aired to date.
Despite my enormously high expectations and the hype surrounding it, I was not disappointed one bit. In fact, it somehow managed to be better than I expected. (For those who aren't familiar with the book or movie of the same name, it's about the trials and tribulations of a new coach coming to work in a small West Texas town that lives and dies by its high school football). I immediately fell in love with Coach's wife, Tami. She brings a much-needed balance to the show's hypermasculine storyline For the life of me couldn't figure out where I knew the actress who plays her from then I finally figured out that she's Connie Britton, who was wonderful as the wife wronged Molly in Ed Burns first film, "The Brothers McMullen." The girl who plays their daughter is great too.
Taylor Kitsch (on sofa) as bad boy Tim Riggins is about the hottest guy on primetime television, and the gal who plays good girl cheerleader Lyla Garrity (Minka Kelly) is a very impressive young actress with incredible range. Zach Gilford as backup QB Matt Saracen -- the kid with way too much on his plate -- is also a standout (as well as a cutie, below).
Having gotten a semi-late start watching the show you can only imagine my horror when I read in The Washington Post that it's already "ratings starved" and in danger of being canceled (has this ever not happened with a show I've watched? (See "The Comeback" and "Sons & Daughters" and so on.) I spoke to a couple of people who have watched it and they all agree that it's "very well-done," yet many of them said they weren't completely "into it" yet. Despite America's obsession with sports (particularly football) it was ironic to me that many of them -- straight men at work, no less -- cited a lack of interest in the football aspect of the show. Go figure -- I've read that NBC is "standing by" the show for now and even giving it a special airing on Monday night after one of their bigger hits. Check it out and let me know what you think. (WP)