6sqft: This couple has made 220 square feet work for 24 years in a Chelsea Hotel SRO
HuffPost: Mitch McConnell thinks Democrats are trying to steal elections by allowing people to vote
Vanity Fair: There's yet another Trump-Putin meeting we didn't know about
Philadelphia Magazine: Forget Pizza Rat -- Philly's Pretzel Rat is the next rodent celebrity
Instagram: CNN's Natalie Allen has a hot son
Gr8er Days: 30 classic documentaries that were snubbed by Oscar
Boy Culture: Out candidate Pete Buttigieg on whether American is ready for a gay president
The Fix: The next generation of voters is more liberal, more inclusive and believes in government
Baseline: Rafael Nadal finally popped the question
The Washington Post: Senate backs McConnell’s rebuke of Trump’s military drawdown plans in Syria, Afghanistan
Towleroad: Locker Room 101 -- Soap dropping for dummies
The Randy Report: First an armed lunatic at Comet Ping Pong and now this bullshit?
Greg in Hollywood: Start doing your tongue exercises, guys: Showtime is reviving "The L Word"
OMG Blog: Michael Angels and Keith Roenke are fully naked in "D'Agostino"
New York Post: Woman arrested for masturbating in public picked up where she left off in back of police car