Friday, February 26, 2021

Remains of the Day (02/26)

James St. James: Someone actually said to me “my grandmother used to party with you at Tunnel” —- !!!! 

Ron Hogan: “The Comic-Con of hate” is a perfect description of CPAC. 

The party of "kitchen-table issues"  

Craig Unger: We didn’t invite Al-Qaeda to be on the 9/11 Commission. 

Katie Herzog: Elderly people? 

Am told the US Attorney’s office only received security footage, in part bc formal visitor logs don’t exist for tours organized thru congressional offices with the Capitol closed as a result of coronavirus. 

Is everyone officially nuts? 

Wait, I thought the U.S. position was "maybe he did, maybe he didn't"?

#BornThisWay: Freddy, Divine and Elton 

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