Monday, June 27, 2016

Celebrating New York City's LGBT Pride

Took a break from Gay Pride partying this year, only swinging by the Village to see the newly anointed National State Park designation on the Stonewall Inn and Christopher Park -- aka the Stonewall National Monument -- then barely catching the tail end of the parade nestled away from the action on Waverly Place.

Was overjoyed to see Hillary Clinton was "with us" as much as I'm with her. 

And was tickled to see the lesbian couple who posed for one of the famous Stonewall Inn sculptures in the park found out about the bar's historic designation from a reporter! 

Watch HERE

I also made the acquaintance of my friend Chad's artsy pal (Anthony) A.E. Kieren, who was hired by Julius' to sketch pride revelers ...

It's not easy being green ...

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