Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Remains of the Day (08/14)

Hot Cat of the Day: Has Carrie Bradshaw made kitties a must-have accessory? 

Panic struck when the it looked like the famed Village Vanguard might be calling it a day. But it turns out it's just a sign malfunction.

Read HERE.

Jay McInerney's "Bright Lights, Big City" and Bret Easton Ellis's "Less Than Zero" were my absolute favorite books in high school. (Unsurprisingly, both were disastrous films in part because of the horrible castings of Michael J. Fox and Andrew McCarthy.) Where the hell did 40 years go?! 

I don't think I've ever been more envious of another person in my life! 

I'm in the "don't know" category. But I certainly would have noticed if these boys were roaming the streets of Manhattan nonetheless!


Jaradon said...

Mid Century Modern has great talent in front and behind the camera

Scott said...

How do I submit for the cat of the day? Or is there a way?

Kenneth said...

Please do!
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