Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cyndi Lauper Uncensored

  OK, girls. Who wants to have some fun? Finally got my copy of Cyndi Lauper's new memoir -- anyone reading it? Pervy relatives, accusations against Gloria Estefan and Michael Jackson, venom for Jeff Goldblum and plenty of sour grapes against Tommy Mottola, what more could you ask for??? -- and have been invited to interview her. I have some questions in mind, but would love for your input. If you would like to ask the ever-unusual one something, please e-mail me HERE

Meanwhile, you can order "Cyndi Lauper: A Memoir" HERE (hardcover) and HERE (Kindle).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just started and the first chapter is great! You know she's not going to hold back, you can see were her songs come from and even if you're only vaguely aware of who she is, you'll be fascinated by looking into the workings of a rare/artistic mind.

The only problem is that every word I read is in her voice which is really more fun then an actual problem.

Kindle Version, btw.