Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Remains of the Day (03/20)

NBC News: 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. have suffered from religious trauma at some point in their life, according to a study: “Imagine being told by everyone you trusted that you’re going to hell because you like men.” 

Wrestle Wednesday: Your sausage is served

Chronicle of Higher Education: How queer theory turned its back on gay men:
Gay [white] men have been the special targets of some queer theorists’ most characteristic resentments, made to bear the symbolic burden of the ills of capitalism, racism, imperialism, etc. to other member groups within an imagined coalition of sexual minorities.

Even as they face, as they historically have faced, particularly intense challenges of homophobic violence, discrimination, and sexual health, gay men are made to appear as living emblems of privilege and dubious political action -- just as they had earlier in the discourses of the communist left and nationalist right. The academic field dedicated to overcoming our vast inheritance of homophobia ironically perpetuates it.


GC MI said...

I think Mr. Virginia looks more like Howdy Doody's son than Bozo's.

Either way, the sausage is magnificent.

VRCooper said...

I can see Liam in Daniel---

Let me be catty---

They say Liam is carrying a lot of wood--

Like father like son--

Glad to read that Daniel is coming into his own--