Thursday, December 29, 2022

KIT212: Year in Review 2022

Just a quick post to say thank you for the support this past year. It's been a difficult 12 months with another member of my immediate family as well as my sister-in-law undergoing cancer treatments. Happy to report that they are both doing remarkably well thus far, all things considered. 

To mark the end of 2022 -- my 17th(!) year of blogging -- I thought I would share the 10 most popular posts of the past 12 months. (A lot of meat fans reading my blog, I see!) 

Here's wishing you all a healthy and prosperous year ahead. 


And here are a few of my favorite posts of 2022: 

As well as ...


bentley1963 said...

Kenneth-Loved 11 is the loneliest number series.I am still miffed olivia and karen carpenter were robbed!

j said...

Wishing you and your family a healthy New Year

Paul Denton said...

Thank you for sharing and blogging! Your blog is really good.
I hope 2023 is better, and I’m glad that your family members are doing better.

P.S. the 6ft3, big-ass tennis player was my favorite post this year!

Randy Slovacek said...

I enjoyed all of these posts - and your blog! Thanks for all the terrific content!

Edgar_Carpenter said...

Thanks again for all your work on this over the years. Whatever it morphs into, I'll continue to follow it.