The WoW Report: John Krasinski reflects on ‘The Office’ memories with Steve Carell as he launches ‘Some Good News’ show on YouTube
The Randy Report: Trump campaign threatens TV stations for airing anti-Trump ad
Gr8er Days: How the hell is Warren Beatty 83?
Gothamist: Group behind Central Park coronavirus tent hospital asks volunteers to support anti-gay agenda
Mike Musto: 15 beefiest movies of all time
Greg in Hollywood: Tom Daley works on his flexibility
The Washington Post: Trump moves the coronavirus goal posts, pre-spinning 100,000 deaths as ‘a very good job’
OMG Blog: Norwegian hunk likes ass play
The New York Times: For autocrats, and others, coronavirus is a chance to grab even more power
The Wall Street Journal: Death panels are here -- but not under the 'scary' black president
Hot Cat of the Day: Spokescat for the world issues statement
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