I love Suzanne Somers as much as the next guy, but perhaps the Wall Street Journal should have thought twice about hiring her for its "experts" panel. Maybe it's just her age group, but she's essentially my mom with a lot more plastic surgery. The good thing about the work she's had done is that at least now she looks as crazy as she sounds, whereas my mom just looks like a sweet woman from Omaha. The corrections on Chrissy Snow's opinion piece are starting to add up -- and no one even bothered to point out to the ditzy blonde that Canada's SINGLE-PAYER system is nothing like ours. (If only!)
What year is THAT photo from?????
She's scary, but this lifelong Democrat boomer, thinks her point is not that far off. We are going to pay the price for expanded medical insurance. While I appreciate the goal, I do not appreciate paying the prices. Yes, I can provide specifics.
What the......is that really her???
Catherine O'Hara's character in 'For Your Consideration' comes to mind. With less nutbaggery.
Kevin you should sit down and shut up. Maybe you'll learn something from someone who's accomplished a lot more than you!
I agree with your health choices and advice on that subject, but not this one! You, Ms Somers had cancer and could afford to pay to fight this dreadful and deadly disease, but as you know many can not! I have been to one of your Doctors in Palm Springs and he is a great Doctor, but no average American can afford him! Please do not make me name him, because I will, but he is also named in your book. Stop trying to Sabotage the Affordable Care Act for it will help many who can not afford insurance and lower the costs for those who support families and stop raising my costs due to those who do not have insurance! Somebody has to pay for those that do not have insurance and it sure ain't the insurance companies or the people who are receiving free health services and treatment!
Suzanne Somers... She is just one in a long like of actors that in an effort to either stay perpetually young, or just in the spotlight, said something beyond stupid.
What people don't get is that those high insurance premiums, yearly increases in rates, and inflated hospital costs are because those who didn't have any health insurance because for whatever reason, visited ERs and couldn't pay. The hospital has to recoup that money somehow, and they did it by inflating costs, which then the insurance companies passed along to policy holders. Now with the Affordable Care Act, people who couldn't get health insurance because of pre-existing condition (sometimes it seemed that being alive was a pre-existing condition) can and will go to DOCTORS, get preventative treatment, which will be covered by these new policies. No more trauma/crisis treatments in an ER, and the costs being parceled out to everyone else.
Yeah... Because everyone should take advice from a worthless has been that's best known for playing a bimbo from the late 70s.
Point well made.
Too bad Obamacare wasn't around a few years sooner, she might have been able to get a better plastic surgeon...
@TJ Ford: good idea, but tht looks more like too much of a good thing. mamma's restalyne and botox slurry done far too much. imean the size of her head prolly crept up slowly and now she's doin a sequal to the elephant man. tht's harsh, but i used to FREAK out over how funny and sweet she was. but more than that...mostly i remember being constantly fixated on john ritter's thighs as a young boy.mmmm
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