Thursday, March 01, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Happy 10th to my main squeeze. 

Top: Up on a roof in Weehawken, N.J., 2002; Bottom: At a wedding reception at the Gay and Lesbian Center this past weekend in Greenwich Village (not ours!)


Unknown said...

Congratulations, guys!

Anonymous said...


Writer said...

Oh! Congratulations! :)

Larry said...

Happy anniversary! Wishing you the best always!

Anonymous said...


Brian said...

Congrats and here's to many more good years ahead.

Tom S. said...

Congratulations! You two look exactly the same as 10 years ago!!

Chad said...

Wow! Ten years!!! Congrats Ken and Michael!

Thomas said...

Congratulations. I can only tell you that with time it grows deeper. We will celebrate thirty years this coming December. And it still seems like yesterday when we met.

Hushpuppy212 said...

Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy years together

Jerry said...

For the most part, I’ve soured on the idea of everlasting love.

But when I read about happiness like yours, I remember that love is not a relic of a bygone era. It’s real, and lasting, and sprawled across the pages of the (212).

Congratulations to you both 8)

Jim Key said...

Adorable pics. Congratulations to both of you sweet hunks!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Kenneth and Michael! May you have many more!

irisgirl said...

Mazel Tov--and many happy more!

Unknown said...


nojarama said...


JD said...

Congratulations! Also, I want to know what moisturizer you use. You've aged really well.

Todd said...

Congratulations. For what it's worth, you both look WAY hotter now :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Those ten years were very kind to you both!

christopher said...

Happy Anniversary. I love you both!!

Mike said...

Congratulations! I wish you both many more 10 year anniversaries.

Prospero said...

Happy Anniversary!

Michael said...

Congratulations to you both! I sometimes see you guys in the city, and you look as happy in real life as you do in these photos! Here's to many, many more years of togetherness and happiness and love!

Theaterdog said...

congratulations from france!

Ruddigore said...

Happy Anniversary and congratulations! However, it is not fair that you two look the same as you did 10 years ago. (Kenneth is actually hunkier, which makes it even less fair.) said...

Happy Anniversary to a incredibly handsome couple!

Dave, WGB