Summer Reading: Congrats to my pal Johnny Diaz whose second novel, "Miami Manhunt," just hit the shelves and the buzz is muy caliente. (Beantown Cuban) (Order online here.)
The Martha Effect:Inmate leaves toilet paper rose after jail escape (AP)
Her Initials Are MO: Michelle Obama pledged to the city’s gay community Thursday night that her husband will campaign for gay equality (well, except for that marriage bit). The Illinois senator's wife addressed a fundraising dinner in Turtle Bay, Manhattan, for the Democratic National Committee's Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council. "We are all only here because of those who marched and bled and died, from Selma to Stonewall, in the pursuit of a more perfect union," she said at the event, held days before the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots between gays and New York police, and the city's annual gay pride parade. (NY1)
Allied Forces: The Obama-Clinton lovefest is in full bloom. (TheCaucus)
Babes in Wonderland: Didn't make it to this year's Broadway Bares? Fear not. AfterElton has the naked truth about the Great White Way's sexiest night ever and Boy Culture Matt even has videos.
White Noise: Barack Obama dismissed Ralph Nader's claim that the Democratic candidate is trying to "talk white" and has failed to challenge the power structure to appeal to "white guilt." (AP)
Desert Hate: Looks like I spoke too soon about my home state. A proposed amendment that would limit marriage in Arizona to male-female couples has more lives than a cat and still could appear on the November ballot. (365Gay)
Positively Awful: The number of young homosexual men being newly diagnosed with HIV infection is rising by 12 percent a year, with the steepest upward trend in young black men, according to a new report. (WP)
Historic Hearings: For the first time a House subcommittee has heard firsthand of widespread discrimination against transgender men and women. (365Gay)
Progress Report: More than 3,000 people attended Jerusalem's gay pride parade on Thursday but unlike previous marches police reported only minor homophobic incidents. (AP)
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