A couple years later Paul Weller began putting albums out on his own. Although I appreciate his solo work, it's got a completely different feel from his two previous bands and has never been my favorite. I've seen him live once or twice -- and Nina's seen him seven times -- over the years, but you were lucky if he performed more than two Jam songs, much less any TSC.
Jump ahead to 2006. Word comes out that Weller is doing a few gigs in New York and Los Angeles -- only there's a twist. He'll do one Jam night, one Style Council night -- and one solo night. Nina and I did everything we could to go all three nights -- but all hell broke loose and tickets were gone almost instantly (they're now going for an arm and a leg on eBay). As fate would have it, though, Nina was able to get tickets for one night: The Style Council!
So tonight we will try to prove that you can go home, as we right a 22-year-old wrong. And that Nina flew in from Chicago for this very special occasion makes it all the more special, both of us ready to speak like a child ...
UPDATE: The Boy Who Cried Wolf (review)

I only have one Style Council album, "Confessions of a Pop Group," which I grabbed when it was sent to my college newspaper as a review copy. For the most part, I love the first side and hate the second. Wildly uneven, but interesting.
I came across your blog via the Paul Weller site. I'm hoping to go to the Style Council show tonight. (A friend of mine works at Irving Plaza.) Great blog! (And great pics!)
Ok, this is going to make me sound tragically unhip, but I stumbled into the Virgin Record Store in Times Square on Sunday and it was packed with screaming fans of someone. I kept asking people, "who is performing" and all I head was, "Pauwel" or "Plaw." Finally, my friend Dan, after several attempts heard "Paul Weller." We looked at each other and said, "never heard of him" and walked out. Sounds like that was a mistake...
Pine Knob! Now THERE'S a blast from my Michigan past. (Lived in Shelby Township for while from 1975 to 1978).
My mom, having grown up in Detroit, was a big Spinners fan. We went to see them and the Sylvers at Pine Knob in 1977.
I was only 10 at the time, but it was my first concert and we had a great time!
Glad to hear you and your friends were finally able to see the concert so wrongly denied you.
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