In what has been deemed a "stunner" but was really not that much of a surprise to anyone who knows the Williams family history,
Serena Williams blew top-seeded
Maria Sharapova off the court last night, in just over an hour, to walk away with her third Australian Open crown and eighth major. Has any other player in the history of tennis gone two years between winning titles -- much less
Grand Slam titles? Serena truly is a legend in her own time. Serena says her late sister,
Yetunde, was the driving force behind her convincing win. (
It was an amazing match and I was surprised. What a comeback!
Serena played a very focused, determined and solid tournament. She went back to what made her successful and dominant - that is playing her game, to her strengths, versus playing her opponent's game.
Another question I have is how does she play wearing those big earrings?
first of all, i love your blog. second, i think you and i share way too many things in common: i am a tennis freak too! i love the sport! and third, you and i have the same taste in men! LOL what is up with that!? anyway, serena was stupendous! she dusted maria sharapova and i loved it when she called maria a bitch after maria hit her with the ball! CLASSIC! and that stare! she don't play! thanks for the blog and keep up the good work! now we'll see federer win again--it's getting boring now on the men's side. bt not looks-wise. tennis has the hottest guys around! well, ok soccer does! LOL but tennis is second! even before gymnastics, water olo, diving, ruby, etc. i hope gonzalez wins just because federer is getting a bit stale.
I do wish it had been a little more competitive of a match, but it was still great to watch Sharapova get stomped on.
I was a little surprised Yuri left the stadium before the match ended. As the commentator said "I guess this is what they invented Stolichnaya for..."
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