Friday, February 24, 2012

A Star Is Torn

I don't watch "The View" and I can't even bring myself to watch this five-minute clip of Star Jones' "controversial" return to the show this week. But I've read the transcript-- and heard about it from Michael -- and don't have a problem with Barbara Walters and Joy Behar putting her on the spot about her shady behavior during her tenure on the show. That said -- and defending Star Jones isn't high on my list of things to do -- I'm still confused by Barbara's bitterness about Star's exit. Barbara didn't renew Star's contract, but then told Star she could say whatever she wanted about leaving, it would be their little secret. But when Star decided to blurt it on the show shortly thereafter -- remember the whole "after much prayer and counsel” bullshit? -- then Barbara didn't like it? To me it just sounds like Barbara is a control freak, and when Star tried to retain a little dignity -- the woman had been shitcanned, can you blame her? And Barbara TOLD her she could do it her way -- Barbara turned into a petty bitch. Am I missing something?


  1. Nana Wawa4:46 PM

    The fact that Barbara Walters is such a suck-up to the rich and powerful, including vacationing with Syrian tyrant Assad, makes anything she says totally suspect. I get that she is a broadcasting legend, but she's the opposite of a journalist in my book.

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Star made the announcement a day early. She was supposed to do it the day after she did it and Barbara felt blind sided.

  3. She blindsided Babs a few days earlier than agreed upon which screwed up the whole week's programming, I think. And she promised and lied to her face but then again, why be surprised that a rat would be itself?

  4. @Guys: Yeah, I know that's what Barbara said. But how can you "blindside" someone who is the person who made the decision to fire someone?!!!

  5. @kenneth walsh You're so right. If Barbara (or anybody for that matter) had done that to me I wouldn't have come back PERIOD! Of course, if I was making millions of dollars a year, I guess I could suffer through the humiliation :)

  6. Kenneth, you hit the nail on the head. I have always disliked Barbara Walters. She's a 'journalist' who social climbed up and into NY society - god knows why - and has always seemed something of a right wing reactionary AND control freak. Thank you for expressing my feelings in much nicer language.


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