Friday, February 24, 2012

Caption Me

(Too hot to hold onto 'til Monday's Morning Wood!)


  1. I think he needs some waxing. So strip me naked, cover me in wax, and slide me all over him.

  2. wax? why would you remove that sexy body hair?!

    Although I can't fault your method of removal. ;)

  3. Billy7:16 PM

    A Clone for the new generation.

  4. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Today's stud brought to your by the letter "M" and the number 9. As in inches. Yeah, I went there, sue me.

  5. Brian in NYC12:05 AM

    "I'm trying look cool about it, but I think this guy behind me just blew a nostrilful of snot on my back."

  6. irisgirl9:39 AM

    "...happy trails to you, until we meet again..."

  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    These two guyz have been around for a while and yes the one behind is definitely blowing out something. I wonder if they are buddies, as the two hot dudes are look a likes. Love to be a a mouse under that bed.


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