Saturday, July 01, 2017

Circling Back to 'Maple Drive'

The writer and much of the cast of "Doing Time on Maple Drive" reunited at the LGBT Writers Committee of Writers Guild of America West to discuss the seminal 1992 made-for-TV movie about a young man (played by the adorable William McNamara) who attempts suicide rather than face his sexuality. (Jim Carrey played the drunk older brother!)

My pal Greg Hernandez has the scoop -- as well as an interview with screenwriter James Huff -- HERE.


  1. Funny, I just rewatched this film on YouTube the other week. It holds up well, with very solid performances. At the time, it was refreshing to have the father be the understanding parent and the mother be the rigid, judgemental one. Still, the ending offered hope.

  2. Before Jim Carey became Wacky Jim Carey. I'm not a fan of his but when people argue that he can't act, I direct them to Maple Drive.
    This film needs a DVD or Blu-ray release.


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