Friday, September 26, 2008

Bruno Strikes Again!

Sacha Baron Cohen is up to his old tricks, this time as the hilarious fashionista Bruno, getting busted on the catwalk at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada's show in Milan today. I had a chance to watch all the Bruno segments on DVD last week and about peed my pants. I can already tell this upcoming film is gonna be great!

"And zen what did Matt Damon say? hehehe"
"And zen what did you say?"
"And zen what did Matt Damon say? hehehe"
"And zen what did you say?"
"And zen what did Matt Damon say? hehehe"
"And zen what did you say?"

I LOVE Bruno!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:05 PM

    the pictures of Cohen crashing the fashion show in Milan hardly look like him... judging by the aftermath, though, it looks like it was an effective marketing ploy


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