Thursday, November 30, 2006

Morning Glory: Papi Matt

Guys like Matt Loewen look good in anything ... (via Papi)

(Two more pictures of Matt here.)


  1. Anonymous3:43 AM

    I was wondering about the tat on the lad in the pix. Is that a horse? I couldn't quite be sure. It's a very interesting tattoo, at first I thought it was Maori in origin,

    Love the layout of your blog. Very clean, sharp look .


  2. Anonymous12:04 PM


    Funny thing, I got an Undergear catalog in the mail yesterday and I was totally ogling his pictures (especially that one in the blue trunks). And now I log on today and find the same one. Obviously, we're destined to be together.

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Now Kenneth - you are managing to string together quite the number of days that showcase truly hot men - loving that! Papi is really unbelievably sexy, and I LOVE the tattoo (I have a few myself and they are sexy, sexy, sexy - if they are done well, of course).

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Does anyone know anything else about this model? Is his name really Matt? etc ...

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    What unique tat! Very original. At least I haven't seen something like that.
    Very cool. And very masculine man! :-)

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I really can't get any work done knowing these pictures exist!


  7. what a tasty snack. He can have a man panty drawer at my place anytime. lol


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