Thursday, November 30, 2006

Kathy Griffin: My Life on the Near-Death List

While looking for tickets for Kathy Griffin's upcoming show in New York, my friend Jay noticed a News Alert on Kathy's Web site that said she and her entourage had just experienced a brush with death last night en route to a gig in Stockton, Calif. It seems the discount commuter plane she undoubtedly rented started experiencing "extreme turbulence" 20 minutes after takeoff sending everything on-board flying around the cabin. Kathy then smelled smoke and the oxygen masks dropped. Fortuntately, the plane was quickly able to make an emergency landing back in Burbank, and while you probably can't tell by this photo, Kathy is actually still alive and well.

While the Wednesday show was canceled, the tour must go on when you're on the D-List ... including tonight's performance in Hanford(!) (you know this cheap bitch isn't gonna let a near-death experience get in her way of earning a buck). (

I'm glad she's OK -- Michael got us tickets for that Carnegie Hall show in January (I wouldn't want her dying getting in the way of our fun), plus Bravo has just announced that "My Life on the D-List" will be coming back for a third season (no word if Matt will be the new gardener).

In other Kathy news, can you believe her celeb-ass-kicking turn on "Celebrity Mole: Hawaii" is now out on DVD?(!)

  • Go to the kenneth in the (212) home page.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Too bad; I'm in the Hanford area and I sooooo wish she WASN'T coming here. She sucks and is just not funny. Does nothing for our entertainment value. She's mean for mean's sake and while I lurve a good snarkfest, she's over the line in many ways. Hope she got a wakeup call but I doubt it. Good thing no one had to do any mouth to mouth on her. Bleeccch.

    2. I will be seeing her tomorrow evening in Sacramento! I can't wait. She is one funny broad!!!

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      haha you guys do realize that shes going to read this and laugh her ass off?....too bad her reality show got cancelled then we might of actually gotten to watch her read the article on national television and make witty remarks.

      kathy, i loved your show it's a shame it got cancelled. my family and i always had a good laugh watching it.

    4. Anonymous7:20 PM

      The show wasn't canceled. Didn't you read this post????

    5. My friends Democrat and Republican all love her, kind of a freak to assume politics have anything to do with that. As for Kathy..........Grrrrrrl, get some new gays, you're looking too casual in that pic. ;)

    6. I saw her in April and had a blast. She's returning in Feb - and will be going again.

      I love My Life on the D-List and am glad it's coming back again.


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