Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Morning Glory: Mark Wahlberg

As hot as he was back in the Calvin Klein/Funky Bunch days, Mark Wahlberg is even hotter now. Nothing like outgrowing acne and becoming a man ...


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    that shot of him tied up and (as we say in texas) neckked is
    puts milk in my goat.

    what is that from.....please tell me your personal collection.

    jack jett

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    what is the ankle tie connected to...

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I used to think he was hot in the "Marky Mark" days, but the more I look at him now, I just see a guy who looks like he hasn't bathed in weeks.

    I think the messy facial hair doesn't work for him either.

  4. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I guess he's too busy mumbling his fake black-cent through shitty movies and doing photo shoots to pursue the passion of his youth: beating the hell out of gays and alleged gays in Massachusetts.

  5. My, my...Mark is one of those men who seems to look better with age. Quite handsome!

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    His 1992 Calvin Klein underwear commercial on youtube:

    He actually looks hotter now as Kenneth has mentioned.

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Although that picture of Mark tied up is really hot... it is not his body. Marks face was taken from the June 1993 cover of Esquire magazine and added to this body.


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