Thursday, February 23, 2006

Smalltown Boy

The British press are reporting that a "27-year-old pedophile posed as a teenager in a gay chat room to rape a 14-year-old boy." The man has since been convicted and sentenced to eight years in jail. Although I tend to think of pedophilia as involving children who are prepubescent -- not those who are around the age of consent (a heterosexual marriage between two people of these ages is considered completely normal in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia) -- I'm glad this guy was caught and certainly believe anyone who commits a rape deserves to be punished.

However, after reading what the victim's parents had to say about the ordeal -- they picked the perpetrator up at the train station, took him out for the day, made him a spot of tea, then invited him to stay the night -- is it any wonder this happened?

His 58-year-old father said: "We never suspected Lloyd was an adult. He didn't have stubble or a deep voice. He wore a baseball cap and pretended to be very naive. But we never left them alone and ensured they slept in separate rooms."

The boy's 56-year-old mother added: "We accepted him in our home. I can't believe he had the cheek. [She said "had the cheek!"] This has been a tough lesson. No matter how many precautions you take, pedophiles will find how to worm their way into their victims' lives.”

Good lord. If they'd taken any more precautions they'd have dropped the poor kid off at Gary Glitter's house for a sleepover.

And what kind of news organization wrote this, anyway? They don't even say if the 27-year-old was hot.

  • Read: Pedophile raped boy he met in gay chatroom (PinkNews)
  • Read: Tony Blair’s local doctor jailed for possessing gay pedophilia (PinkNews)

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      "Good lord. If they'd taken any more precautions they'd have dropped the poor kid off at Gary Glitter's house for a sleepover." LMFAO!!!!!!!

    2. And wondering if the 27 year old was hot... My boyfriend said that sounds like something I would have asked....


      My parents NEVER arranged play dates like this for me.


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