Monday, December 09, 2024

Remains of the Day (12/09)

Queerty: Good for Tank for calling out homophobia in the black community. I've been largely biting my tongue because it's never a good look when an outsider tries to weigh on something like this. (Prop 8, cough.) But as a longtime member of the LGBT community, I'm tired of being lectured about the murder rate of trans women of color when no one on the inside seems to acknowledge, much less do anything about, the fact that their killers are overwhelmingly men of color. Something's got to change from the ground up.

Thomas M: I'm not sure why YouTube thought I would want to watch this ...

AP: Anyone else watch the Netflix "JonBenet" documentary and come away convinced the family is innocent? It really seems like it's another case like Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn, who also had something completely unbelievable actually happen to them only to be called liars by the police.

JeffreyMixed: Who wants to sit on Jeff Stryker's lap? And ICYMI: see Milo Ventimiglia’s viral gym thighs

RIPLegendary game-show host Chuck Woolery has died at 83. The suited stud helped turn me gay -- such a pity he became such a crank. Also: Gay actor Earl Holliman, who was on "Police Woman" and the first-ever "Twilight Zone," has died at 96.

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