Sunday, December 08, 2024

Fanning the Dakota

We just paid our respects to John Lennon outside the Dakota, where he was assassinated 44 years ago this evening. I was 13 at the time -- too young to have experienced the Beatles phenomenon, but plenty old to appreciate him -- and just remember being stunned that something like this could actually happen. (The world was such a different place pre-Columbine.) 

Yoko Ono is comforted by David Geffen, right

The following year Reagan was shot, and since then we’ve seen Marvin Gaye and Phil Hartman get killed by loved ones and Rebecca Schaeffer and Versace stalked and murdered by fans. But no celebrity killing has ever been as shocking as that of John Lennon, who symbolized peace to a generation of people around the world. 

The Dakota Bar

With our 2024 Fraser fir 


  1. Did Harvey approve the tree?

    1. @Jeffrey: Would you believe the little weirdo has ZERO interest in it? We're this close to setting him in the branches to try to get a photo!


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