Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Second Coming of 'Adam & Steve'

Some exciting news for fans of "Adam and Steve," Craig Chester's modern-gay classic: The writer/actor has penned a sequel -- just shy of 20(!) years later -- that is being workshopped for potential investors.

Craig tells me he's "getting the band back together," after posting the following message: 
A year ago, Malcolm Gets called me and said ‘let’s make the sequel to “Adam & Steve”.  We started talking about what it’s like to be over fifty-five and how it’s not exactly what we thought it would be like - to say the least. 

I wrote the script and started workshopping it in Palm Springs and then, last night, did a reading in NYC to investors with an incredible, hysterically funny group of actors, including Malcolm and @chriskattanofficial and @carycurran, reprising their roles -- hard to describe what that was like but fair to say we may still be damaged goods, but we’re still goods none the less.

I'm tickled by the news, which is ironically more salient given that Damian and I -- for reasons that are largely unclear to either of us -- recently started watching the entire run of "Caroline in the City." (We also completed "Suddenly Susan," another show we never watched contemporaneously.) For those who don't recall, the 1995-99 sitcom was ostensibly a vehicle for Lea Thompson, who played the titular cartoonish Caroline Duffy. But from the two seasons we've seen so far, it's really about Malcom Gets's not-quite-starving-artist Richard, around whom all plots seem to revolve. Though hardly top-drawer material, Gets is a highlight. And while it's Eric Lutes, who plays Del Cassidy, who brings the beef to the show, every so often Gets breaks free from his '90s fashions to reveal his shockingly fit body! 

Here's hoping this project gets off the ground. After being cockteased with "Trick 2: Electric Boogaloo," I don't think I could handle another sequel interruptus

Sadly, I'm hearing Parker Posey is a no-go.

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