Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Remains of the Day (11/29)

Page Six: Personal trainer Garth Wakeford sued for allegedly raping New York Times reporter Sarah Maslin Nir, when she was 18 and he was 31: "She struggled to break free from [6-foot-5] Wakeford, repeating ‘no’ and ‘stop,'" the suit claimed. "But Wakeford pinned her to the ground and told her to ‘wait, I’m almost finished.’ Nir somehow managed to raise her knees and pushed Wakeford out of her body. As she did so, Wakeford ejaculated in her face, leaving her eyes red and burning."

Hot Cat of the Day: Season's greetings from Luna!


I'll probably be seeing my favorite comedy troupe this Saturday in Hell's Kitchen, so say hi if you see me! Tickets HERE.


1 comment:

  1. Wrestling is the gayest sport ever invented


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