Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Remains of the Day (07/26)

Dennis Anyone?: A chat with Andy and Danny Vallentine, the husband-and-husband team behind "The Mattachine Family," about a male couple in L.A. and their long, complicated journey to becoming fathers. The film stars Nico Tortorella ("Younger"), Juan Pablo di Pace ("Fuller House") and Emily Hampshire ("Schitt's Creek").

NPRIs the streaming business model broken? (I'll save you a click: Yes.)

Wrestle Wednesday: A few you won't forget

Found: I've been on a bit of an R.E.M. bender lately, so this Top Forty Playlist of the band's music according to Berry, Buck, Mills and Stipe is perfectly timed!

YouTube: Although we pay for full cable television and multiple streaming services, I still frequently find myself itching for something new to watch. In this case, I found a "new" 20-year-old sitcom called "It's All Relative," which I would describe as a cross between "All in the Family" and "Frasier" (very high praise coming from me). It came out in 2003 but I had never so much as heard of it in passing. The premise is the refined daughter of a gay couple -- one uptight, one hunky and fun -- in Boston becomes engaged to the son of working-class Irish pub owners. Harriet Sansom Harris (who played Frasier Crane's conniving agent Bebe Glazer) is wonderful as the O'Neill matriarch. And a pre-"Veep" Reid Scott plays the dim-but-lovable groom-to-be. (Paige Moss is also sublime as little sister Maddy O'Neill!) But it's Broadway veterans John Benjamin Hickey and Christopher Sieber as the gay parents -- both played by gay men back when that wasn't typical -- who are the real stars of the show. Although I'm guessing "It's All Relative" isn't for everyone -- it's a three-camera sitcom with a laugh track, gay stereotypes (that now seem to bother people even though they're based entirely in reality) and old-fashioned potshots galore -- I found it to be hilarious (and smart) and retroactively wish it had stuck around a little longer. Irony alert: You don't even need to subscribe to anything new to watch it -- the entire series is currently uploaded on YouTube HERE.

Hot Cat of the Day: This is how you get me to return to the office!

1 comment:

  1. That Ohio wrestler is a hun... The Spacey accusers are just looking for money


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