Monday, January 23, 2023

Gay Rugby Star and Former Bobsledder Simon Dunn Is Dead at 35

Shocking news from Down Under about the sudden death of gay rugby star, former bobsledder and LGBT activist Simon Dunn. I must say the number of gay men who seem to “have it all” only to die young is really starting to add up. Condolences to those who cared about him. No cause of death has been given yet -- suicide seems likely -- but whatever the case it's terribly sad. Read HERE.


  1. condolences to his family and friends

  2. No word on cause of death?

  3. This is tragic- he seemed like a young man who had a lot of life yet to live- its ironic that we sometimes envy people for their beauty but we really don't know what is going inside their mind- may he rest in peace.


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