Friday, January 28, 2022

Page 1 Roundup (01/28)


The Daily NewsOpenly gay mayor of city near D.C. dies from ‘apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound’

Insider: Moderna is about to begin trials for HIV vaccine based on Covid-19 research

Law & Crime: ‘Bloodthirsty’ dogs tear away walker’s clothes, rip off her ears and eat them: lawsuit

Los Angeles Blade: Georgia school official says gay art is same as Nazi flag

NBC News: Possible new victim in 'Doodler' serial killer case announced; San Francisco police raise reward to $200,000

Hot Cat of the Day: "What did I tell you about unauthorized photos?"


  1. The dog attack story sounds like a horror movie- this woman was not warned about these crazy animals?

  2. Anonymous11:46 PM

    No need to repost an article about Bridget Fonda. What is the point? We all get older and put on weight. Humiliation is only the intent.

  3. Rather Fonda Her1:06 AM

    @Sean: Speak for yourself, I found it interesting. I loved her in "Singles" and "SWF" and didn't realize she had retired until I read this.

  4. I hate hate hate items like the Bridget Fonda article. Ms Fonda has long withdrawn from the public eye. There is no reason to post "candid" pictures of her except to ridicule and embarrass her for the edification of the sick creeps who take pleasure in the misfortune of their betters.

    Everybody ages. Ms Fonda's physical change over a relatively short period suggests that she's had medical issues. Exploiting her the way this paparazzi did is disgusting.


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