Monday, March 30, 2020

Song of the Day: 'Camouflage' by Kathy Valentine

Go-Go's bassist Kathy Valentine's long-awaited memoir, "All I Ever Wanted," finally comes out this week, and I sure feel for my pal as it has to be hard to not be able to promote it the way she wanted to with live events and face-to-face conversations. Still, she's getting some incredible press -- I've read it and it's a real page-turner! -- and not just for the book. The quixotic accompanying soundtrack is out now, too.

Listen to the soundtrack on Spotify HERE.

Listen to Kathy on "WTF With Marco Maron" HERE

1 comment:

  1. Dave in Texas9:22 AM

    So happy Kathy is in the spotlight! I had planned to attend a book signing in Texas and I’m sad I’ll miss it. Excited to read the book!


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