Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Song of the Day: 'The Water Lets You In ("Bloodline" theme)' by Book of Fears

As you may recall, Damian and I went against type and watched a fictional drama last year -- Netflix's "Bloodline." Although I found myself morphing into my parents -- who seemed to spend more time speculating about what was going to happen next than actually watching shows like this when I was a kid -- we couldn't deny being intrigued by the sudsy Southern mess the Rayburn clan was. Dove into the Season 2 premiere last night and I have to admit we'd have been well-advised to have rewatched Season 1 in its entirety -- things are that convoluted and a year is a long time away -- but would be lying if I didn't confess that they have already thrown out enough bread crumbs for me to want to see where this train is headed, a train I once thought had already reached its destination. Anyone else watching? The incredible cast including Kyle Chandler, Linda Cardellini, Chloe Sevigny and Sissy Spacek is reason enough to give it a chance. 


  1. Same here - jumped into Season 2 Premier, now re-watching Season 1 Finale and may have to go back even more. Intriguing show.

  2. I just started watching season 2. It's one of the few shows that makes my heart race in suspense. You don't know where each episode is going. (I also appreciate the Key Large setting) :)

  3. It's not as good as S1 but it's still pretty good. I feel like they tried to throw so many things in there, maybe to quell those who complained S1 was too slow. There is A LOT going on. And it isn't quite as compelling as S1, but being invested in the characters I did want to find out what happened. (Not a spoiler, per se, but discussing my take on the ending ---> Let's just say I was not satisfied. It wasn't bad it just wasn't complete, at all.)


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