Friday, April 01, 2016

Will Arnett's 'Flaked' Is the Best Original Streaming Show You're Not Watching

Has anyone checked out Will Arnett's new Netflix series called "Flaked"? I've been stunned by the lack of promotion and press it's received -- normally subway stations are plastered with posters of new Netflix shows -- but watched it from beginning to end and thoroughly enjoyed it. Arnett plays Chip, a local AA big-shot-of-sorts in Venice, Calif., whose stable post-drinking life is turned upside when the landlord of the small shop he runs decides to sell the building. Most of the plot revolves around Chip's friendship with best pal Dennis (David Sullivan) -- which has frenemy characteristics at times, especially where women are concerned -- and other everyday minutia. But the low-key nature of the show belies a more intricate plot, and the more we get to know people the more complex we find out they are. Critics have panned the show -- and apparently the whole thing has taken a toll on Arnett, who admitted he recently relapsed -- but I found the slow-pace, real-life feel of the show to be utterly charming. (The cinematography is so spectacular that you will want to move to Venice by the end of episode one.)

Curious what others think. Although critics aren't on board, I see fellow regular people seem to enjoy it, too. 

1 comment:

  1. I love Arnett and I've never even heard of the show. I'll have to check it out.


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