Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Song of the Day: 'Under the Gun' by Blondie

I made a second trip to the Big Gay Ice Cream shop in the West Village yesterday on my comp day -- the first time I was accosted by a nine-foot-tall drag queen (sorry, that's redundant) and didn't see any actual ice cream, so ran -- and nearly choked on my friend's Salted Pimp when this obscure Blondie song came on over the PA. In retrospect I shouldn't have been surprised. Big Gay cofounder Doug is a fellow Go-Go's fan/friend whom I was introduced to online via my best friend Mark back in the late '90s, yet I still couldn't hide my awe for hearing this gem in public, unquestionably the standout track from the band's 1999 comeback LP, "No Exit," which I've always thought of as the sad sequel to "Go Through It." Nicely done, Mr. Quint.

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