Monday, November 04, 2013

Newspaper Circulation Falls to Lowest Level Since 1940s

   It's chilling, but no real surprise that print is dying. I actually pay for a number of digital news services now, something I didn't think I would ever do. From HERE.


  1. I still get the dead tree version of the Los Angeles Times, largely because their website is horrible. It's poorly laid out, articles that take up a 1/4 page in print can take 5 pages to click through with the all the ads embedded (yes, I have a really good ad blocker) and plus, most of all, they don't have their comics pages online.

    What's really sad is that it used to take me my whole lunch break to read everything I wanted in the print edition, but they've gutted that so much it now takes me 20 minutes.

  2. Ah, the good old days, when 124% of people got the paper ...


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