Friday, May 31, 2013

View to a Kill ... or Rape ... or Mental Breakdown

On Tabloid Tours, the View Is Tawdry

My parents arrive tomorrow, but their traveling companions have already booked every second of every day with wholesome activities. If they hadn't I'd have suggested the New York Post tour, which promises "two-hour sojourns from Midtown Manhattan to the Bowery that review celebrity mayhem and criminal mischief for a ticket price of $49." TMZ has been running a similar bus in Los Angeles for a while now. Anyone ever climb aboard? Read HERE.

In just over two and a half hours, you’ll become experts in the tawdry bits that make NYC the undisputed quirky capital of the world. The Post Headline Tour is offered every Thursday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the corner of 57th Street and 7th Avenue. We warn you, this tour is not for the squeamish or faint of heart. It’s the real New York, New York Post style!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    The TMZ tour is tacky, but a lot of fun if you've visited the med MJ dispensary and had a brownie. Took my parents and they had a blast (and they were brownie-free); I just don't remember it. However, in NYC, I'd want to be on one of those prison/armored buses.


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