Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Song of the Day: 'Obscurity Knocks' by The Trash Can Sinatras

From the band's delightful 1990 debut, "Cake." The Scottsmen are back together, although I've yet to catch them in concert. How about a double bill with Aztec Camera, guys?


  1. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I loved Trashcan Sinatras! Thanks for the flashback.

  2. I love the Trashcan Sintras - I've seen them live twice and they are absolutely amazing. I hope they come back to NYC soon. :-)

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    One of my favorite all time records!

  4. OMG! Have we ever discussed this? One of our all-time fave bands. Craig and I got to see them -- FRONT ROW CENTER -- at the Mercury Lounge a few years back. Have been BIG fans since 1991 :-)


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