Monday, December 31, 2012

Mary Richards Slept Here

 At this point, the main difference between me and Mary Tyler Moore -- not counting the diabetes and alcoholism -- is that she quit while she was ahead. But if I decide to call it a day and move back to the Midwest, I see Mare's old home on North Weatherly Avenue is on the market ... for a mere $2.895 million. Her old studio apartment is definitely tempting, although I'm not sure I could live there without Rhoda and Phyllis upstairs! Read HERE.


  1. That house is freakin' HUGE. Can you imagine the heating bill?

    Based on the photo, it looks as though Mary lived on the third/top floor, but I always thought Rhoda lived on the top floor in the attic. Watching reruns will never be the same.

  2. While Rhoda was in the attic, Phyllis lived downstairs. I have a fuzzy memory that she was actually the landlord; anyone else remember that?

  3. Yes! Phyllis and her husband, Lars, owned the house.


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