Friday, October 26, 2012

Cereal Killer

 I'm on Team Count Chocula all the way! Read HERE.


  1. Booberry was always my fave. I don't like the packaging though. Wish it were retro like when we were kids.

  2. When I was a kid, my dad was on the fire department. A train caught fire/derailed. . .don't remember. But a boxcar was filled with smoke-damaged cereal and sugar. We had flats of Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and whatever other General Mills kids cereals were out at the time, I forget now. But I loved Count Chocula. Also brown sugar, powdered sugar, regular sugar. We were some hopped up kids, let me tell you. Luckily, we were very active, outdoor kids (it was the 70s), and had fast metabolisms! And the fun was just beginning, because Dad got a part time job at Kroger, and then the damaged and off-date goodies came rolling in. . .


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