Thursday, March 22, 2012


With thanks to Mark: I guess I'm going to have to rethink my plan to throw Larry out the window for refusing to let me sleep -- I only live on the third floor! Read about one of Sugar's spent lives HERE.


  1. irisgirl1:51 PM

    Does Larry still nibble on your ear while you're trying to sleep?

  2. @Irisgirl: He's so bad that his nibbling has become the thing he does when he's being "good." He cries incessantly and bites me -- on the face! -- until I get up and follow him to the kitchen, where he then ignores me and cries some more!!!

    (Yes, I still love him to death!)

  3. irisgirl10:55 AM

    Larry is just a hoot---I wish you'd do a regular feature on him, with pictures, of course!


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