Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Clearly, This Is Not an Example of Philly Soul, Blue-Eyed or Otherwise

The recent marathon of "Dancin' on Air" -- a local teen-oriented dance show that aired from 1981-1987 -- had my Philadelphia-area friends in a tizzy, and now I can see why. I'd have loved to have been on that show as it would have been the one and only time my, uh, dancing skills didn't stand out in a crowd. As good as the video is, FourFour's write-up on the shenanigans is even better, over HERE!

Enjoy yourself with me!


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    That first couple, Mike and Kelly - I SWEAR that is Kelly Ripa!

  2. Christopher1:08 PM

    That IS Kelly Ripa. She was a "regular" on the show. Best show ever on local Philly TV!! We are looking for more "marathons" in October when the show turns 30!

  3. Thank you for confirming that is Kelly Ripa! I was dying!!! WOW!


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