Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anderson Cooper Wants His Daytime Talk Show Viewers to Never Know What They're Gonna Step In


 The Phil Donahue-wannabe discusses his new talk show while riding a bike around the streets of Manhattan.


  1. Christopher11:53 AM

    He forgot to say he's always at David Barton with his HOT GAY LOVER... That boy is gonna get hurt on the bike talking and weaving into traffic like that!

  2. Oprah was a Phil Donahue-wannabe. It worked out well for her.

  3. Mark from NYC4:04 PM

    Where is that barber shop???? I keep telling my guy to give me an "Anderson" and he never quite makes it.

  4. Marlo Thomas4:57 PM

    More like Sally Jesse Raphael.

  5. Christopher8:20 PM

    isn't that the barber shop on 23rd, near Boston Market??

  6. Christopher8:28 PM

    HE's NOT WEARING A HELMET!!!!! Someone call Gloria!

  7. All the cool people are bicyclists.

  8. Anderson, wear a helmet, please. Do it for your Mom, do it for whoever you're close to. We all don't want to read your obit (maybe it was just for the promo). Stay sweet, sexy and as real as you can be on TV, sigh.
    Looking forward to your show.

  9. he could talk about dog shit on his show and I'll still watch it...the man is gorgeous!!


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