Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Michael and I are staying in the city this Memorial Day weekend -- he has to work Monday -- so this will be the closest I get to a hot man at the beach. Anyone got fun plans? I'll probably catch up on some French Open and just enjoy sleeping in late for three days in a row, something I haven't been able to do for the last eight months!


  1. minn_man392:19 PM

    holy crap is that a great basket.

  2. FunMe8:49 PM

    After a fantastic Saturday with 2 pool parties (got to meet the really nice Thom Bierdz and he's a vegetarian like me!), I stayed in on Sunday and just had a relaxing day of doing NOTHING.

    Now it's Monday, and I'm going to bike to the gay beach, Ginger Rogers and take in some sun and sights of hot boys.



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