Thursday, July 29, 2010

'Rush' to Judgment

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, aka "that kid from '(500) Days of Summer" -- the only thing I've ever seen him in -- was spotted yesterday filming his latest movie, "Premium Rush," about a bike messenger who picks up a package at Columbia University and subsequently catches the attention of a dirty cop. He's cute, but that sounds like the worst movie ever.


  1. You should see Mysterious Skin. Netflix it. It's intense, but he is friggin' amazing in it!!

  2. I'm a huge Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan
    and recommend you fire up the Netflix queue and add Mysterious Skin or The Lookout. Some of his best work is in the smaller indie films and I could also suggest Latter Days and Brick.

    Hope you get a chance to enjoy them.

  3. maxx4010:52 AM

    you never saw Mysterious Skin? it's heavy but the acting is good

  4. I thought you had seen Latter Days? I seem to remember a post about it, but obviously I'm misremembering.

    I would see a movie just because he's in it--he always seems to choose interesting projects. He has a significant role in Inception, which I finally saw last night. Get to the theater and see it!

  5. Brick

    Must see Brick. The dialogue/storytelling method is awesome and I haven't seen another movie attempt it.

    Also guess you're not a John Lithgow/Jane Curtain fan or you would have seen him on "3rd Rock from the Sun" when he was much younger.

  6. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I remember him most from the Disney movie "Angels in the Outfield" and as the long-haired kid in "3rd Rock from the Sun."

  7. Gordon-Levitt is also in INCEPTION -and steals the movie from everyone. I like him, and he's done a great number of indie films, such as BRICK mentioned above. It's a great throw back to the Raymond Chandler style mysteries.

  8. David beat me to it, he's co-starring in Inception and he rocks! He really is a great actor, plus, I'm sure everyone else noticed his amazing package in Inception. Gotta love a hot man in tight slacks! ;)

  9. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Check out "Mysterious Skin". He plays a gay hustler. Amazing performance, hot flick.

  10. You really should see The Lookout, Mysterious Skin and Brick - all 3 are fantastic movies with JGL in.

  11. JGL is one of my favorite actors. Never cared for Third Rock, but I think he makes great film choices (mostly indie). I loved Mysterious Skin and 500 Days of Summer.

    And although I loved Latter Days, Steve Sandoval was/is my main love of that movie. I would choose to see a movie just because JGL in it.


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