Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pull(ed) Quote

Had my first (freelance) byline in the famed New York Post today, about Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand cleaning up on The Hill's 50 most beautiful list. Sadly, I wasn't able to include the hilarious Ben Widdicombe's take on the whole thing:

"Given that they say politics is show business for ugly people, a 50 Most Besutiful List for DC is a little like handing out prizes for the tallest gnome. Still, it's impossible not to be proud of our gun-lovin' junior senator snagging the third spot (even if we suspect that if Caroline Kennedy had gotten the seat, she would have come at least second)."


  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Congratulations, Kenneth! Hope you sell many more articles.

  2. Congratulations on your byline! Very cool! Headlines in the Post are always pretty clever!


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