Friday, July 30, 2010

Mr. Snook 'n' Jive


  1. Great toon, but kinda leaves bad taste in my mouth...

    I mean shouldn't we be celebrating diversity in regional dialects & differently abled folks?

    I mean Bab's has a known speech impediment & Sookie, well lets not go there.

  2. honestly with the millions of things they could discuss, they chose snooki. that's the sad state of affairs.

  3. This obsession of Gay culture with gossip saddens me.. I mean were we not all teased and bullied enough to know humor at the expense of others in not funny.

  4. Tech: I'm not sure what you're even referring to -- is there a gossip angle to this post that I'm missing? I was going for Jimmy Webb -- but it's kind of laughable to act like "gay" people are more "obsessed" with gossip than straights. There aren't enough gay people in the world to support the endless parade of gossip mags, TV shows and blogs, etc. -- EVERYONE is equally guilty. And if straights weren't especially guilty, most of these things would not be able to stay in business.


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