Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This Gun for Hire

Got my taxes done today and hoped my accountant could notarize my buyout agreement, which is due today on my final day at work. Turns out my tax gal isn't a notary public, but she told me there's one in the building's basement. So I run downstairs because it was closing in five minutes, and the next thing I know I hear a rapid succession of gunfire. After getting up off the floor, I discovered it's a combination rifle range/notary public, which sounds more like something you'd expect to find in my native Arizona, or a "Saturday Night Live" skit (other than the fact that it's funny).


  1. Hey was this on 20th!!! We go to face2face there and the basement creeps us out a little

  2. Like a victim of truce, you were strung on a noose ...

  3. OMG!!! I was just at West Side on Saturday for the rifle class! You should definitely go, it's super fun.


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