Friday, February 26, 2010

Canuck You

I'm a huge fan of Canada, despite the seeming lack of humor from some of my readers Up North. (You make one retard joke about the Canadian accent and then everyone's up in arms!) As a minor in Detroit, we loved crossing the river to Windsor for a little trouble now and then, and more recently I've had some great times in Montreal and Toronto. One place I have not been but have heard wonderful things about is Ottawa, which happens to be where my pal Scooter LaForge has a show coming up at La Petite Mort Gallery. The big opening event is March 5, and the complete details are below.

La Petite Mort Gallery presents
Hayden Menzies and Scooter LaForge
March 5-28, 2010
Vernissage Friday March 5 / 7-10 p.m.
Tunes by Big Mac Daddy
Proudly sponsored by CKCU 93.1 FM

The pairing of two unique individuals, each with his own unique styles, and yet both share a similar drive. Scooter LaForge is a starving artist who lives in New York and whose personal heroes are Kenneth in the (212), Popeye, witches, monsters, cat, bunnies, bears, owls and birds. Hayden Menzies lives in Toronto and his work deals with various subject matters, but most commonly contains elements of family, stability, security, home life and immediate issues that affect him personally. Both work within many levels of experimentation to arrive at an end result. The collaboration between these two artists promises to be whimsical in its delivery, yet grandiose in its themes


  1. Are you coming to visit? Ottawa is a wonderful city, with tons of great galleries like La Petite Mort!

    I'm fascinated that someone in NYC is discussing a gallery that is just minutes from where I live, and in a much smaller city!

  2. Thank you Kenneth, for mentioning Scooter & Hayden's upcoming exhibit
    @ my gallery. I, myself, am very proud of my funny accent, which has gotten me laid a million times in friendly NYC. Peace. xx

    Guy Berube, director

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Kenneth.... please come to Ottawa! We love you here and look forward to your post on a daily basis.

    you should consider it!

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Kenneth you have a huge following in Ottawa and canada!!!! would love to have you come out and visit

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    kenneth please come please come!!!!!! bring michael too...would love to meet you both "in the flesh"



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