Thursday, January 28, 2010

Page 1 Consider (01/28)

  • Kids Say the Darndest Things: You know some Dems are losing touch with reality when Rep. Bill Owens, the unlikely winner in the much-watched election in New York’s 23rd Congressional District last year, is starting to believe his grandchildren when they say he resembles GOP hottie Scott Brown. (They sound like very sweet kids, Grandpa. And I'll bet they love your stories.) (NYT)

  • Hurry Up and Wait: Testimony concluded in the first stage of the federal trial over California’s ban on same-sex marriage, but neither side expects a quick decision. (NYT)

  • Too Little, Too Late: President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address last night to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, but Democratic allies and Republican opponents alike are already criticizing his approach. (AP)

  • Keith Slept Here: When two artists/designers realized their Craigslist apartment used to be Keith Haring's, they used him as their design inspiration. Check out the Broome Street digs HERE.

  • Hot Property: Speaking of New York real estate, Anderson Cooper has reportedly bought a $4.3 million, 8,240-square-foot firehouse in Greenwich Village that he is converting into his dream home. Not sure if this is true or not, but a commenter on The New York Post who calls himself Osama bin Biden reports that "Andy plans to have Firemen parties so he can slide on their poles" at the new digs. (Someone ring the alarm!) (Huffington Post)

  • North American Fag Hate Agreement: Mexican federal prosecutors announced Wednesday that they will try to overturn Mexico City's gay marriage law, which allows same-sex couples to adopt children, on the grounds it violates the constitution. (AP) Meanwhile, some dick congressman from Utah is trying to fight marriage equality in D.C. (Do the words mind your own fucking business mean anything to you?) (Blog Briefing Room)

  • Glass Half Full: While I'm in awe of both of their games, it's no secret that I'm not a huge fan of either of their personalities. Still, I'd be lying if I didn't say that a Serena Williams vs. Justine Henin at the Australian Open doesn't sound like the best final in years. (AP)

  • Junk Food Lite: Taco Bell and other fast-food businesses have jumped on the reduced-calorie bandwagon, but experts have conflicting opinions on whether fast food is a healthy dieting tool. (Skin Deep)

  • Mad Man: For the life of me I cannot figure out why Jon Hamm would get rid of these whiskers. (Pop Wrap)

  • 35 Is the Loneliest Number: Newsday, the paper of record for people living on Long Island, announced the number of people who have signed up for its Web site now that it's behind a pay wall: 35. (Observer)

  • eHarmony: Now that the courts have ruled in their favor, I'm sure LGBTers are just lining up for creepy Neil Clark Warren to find their perfect mate. (Did they mean Neil Patrick Harris?) (Recorder)

  • RIP: Howard Zinn, an author, teacher and political activist whose book “A People’s History of the United States” became a million-selling leftist alternative to mainstream texts, died Wednesday in Santa Monica, Calif. He was 87 and lived in Auburndale, Mass. (AP)
  • 1 comment:

    1. @anderson: he can slide on my pole anytime! (and use my hose, too!)

      @jon hamm: woof, daddy!! this mad man is the epitome of furry hotness!! woof!


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